Appload™ #7 - Riddim Ribbon, Hook Champ, Alley Gator, & MORE!!!
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Presenting: Tap Dat App™ Appload™ #7
- Riddim Ribbon is the long anticipated new release from Tapulous, creators of the extremely popular Tap Tap Revenge series. The game combines flashy colors, intense speed racing, and a concept similar to that of DJ Hero for a unique & fun experience. Although probably inspired by the computer game Audio Surf, Riddim Ribbon is actually quite a bit different and totally blows the TTR games out of the water as this is a lot more interactive. The controls are a little hard at first, but they aren't that hard to get used to...Also, the game actually only comes with 3 free songs (all by the Black Eyed Peas) as of right now, with 3 more songs (by other artists) available as In-App Purchases for $.99 each. While this may seem like a shortage of content for a game that costs $2.99, it's still definitely worth your money as it obviously has tons of potential and will be updated frequently in the future...GET
- Hook Champ is an awesome 8-bit styled game that is so fun, you won't even care that the game avoids taking advantage of good graphics on the iPhone. Like Indiana Jones, you swing with a grappling hook in many different environments, trying to get your way out alive and with the treasure/idol. This game will have you coming back for more and more until you beat the whole thing, it's insanely addicting and simply one of the best games currently available on the iDevice platform. - GET for $2.99
- Alley Gator, Glu Mobile's latest game, is a unique & fun game where you control an alligator trying to get out of the sewer! You tilt your iDevice to spin the alligator through the sewer pipes and avoid obstacles. This is one of the most creative games I've seen for the iDevice and it is also just generally really pleasing to look at with it's colorful 3D graphics. It will provide hours of fun with levels that will keep you playing just so that you can say you beat them all! - GET for $.99
- Glow Hockey is an app that describes itself in the name. This version of Air Hockey runs perfectly and with Single Player, 2 Player, and Championship Modes, it's a lot of fun! Simple yet cool with it's glow-in-the-dark colors & overall design that was probably inspired from the Glow Hockey mini-game playable on Wii Play. - GET for $.99
- iBlast Moki is another awesome app where you set up bombs to explode at the touch of a button, positioned to thrust your Moki characters forward, eventually leading to the End of Level portal. The game is totally unique, fun, and challenging! Plus there is an Online Create & Share Level Mode for extra fun! - GET for **Current Sale: $.99 - Normal: $2.99**
- Guerrilla Bob is a really cool looking game that fails to actually be fun. You control a rebel and shoot people down with controls similar to Minigore and with 3D graphics. The graphic look & feel of this game is great...but the gameplay isn't. The game is for one: EXTREMELY CHALLENGING, HARD, & PRACTICALLY UNBEATABLE - When you die, no progress is saved and it really is "Game Over", you have to start back at the very first level. A lot of pre-release hype was built up around this game only to be disappoint people with a huge let down...FORGET for $2.99
- Hot Dog Down a Hallway is a funny game that has basically the same gameplay aspects of Kitten Cannon (Original) but well...with a hot dog, that you throw down a hallway...LOL. The graphics are charming and it's simple & fun, Oh and not to mention: FREE - GET
That's it for now - we hope you enjoyed our Tap Dat App™ Appload™ #7! Keep Checking Back Often for New Posts!
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