Hey yall! Sorry we haven't had much to say on the blog for a few weeks, but honestly it was just because there was nothing to say! The app world seems to have slowed down for a couple of weeks, but now enough time has gone by so that we know of enough good apps to let you in on! So here is your usual Appload!™ - (With FREE Apps now always listed first for readers who want quick access to easy downloads!)
- First off, Facebook for iPhone 3.0 was submitted over a week ago. We are anxiously awaiting this update but from the early screenshots and reviews, it looks like a big improvement! So make sure to pick it up if you use Facebook (plus, it's FREE).
- SnapTell is that type of app where you take a picture of something and it looks up the best price online for that item. Unlike all the other apps similar to this one, SnapTell actually works. Haha but seriously, we tested it on multiple items and even took pictures of the covers from semi-faraway (you take a picture of the cover of the item with this app versus the bar code) and it was STILL able to recognize and search for the product online! Not only does it work accurately, but it also provides information links to places like YouTube & Wikipedia along with cheap prices from eBay, Barnes & Noble, etc. The app has even been featured by Apple in iPhone commercials (it can be seen on the phone, but isn't one of the apps pressed and detailed on...). So for a useful iPhone app that will surely come in handy, GET for FREE
- Pac-Man: REMIX is an insanely fun title especially for people who love Pac-Man like we do. It puts a cool 3D twist on the game with a main mode that is basically a "story-mode" like function. It is pretty easy (but we find this to be a relief, as some games are just too hard) but you can always go back and replay the levels in freeplay mode. We would like to see an online scoreboard added and maybe an OpenFient-like buddy challenge system, but we still enjoy it as it is. GET for $4.99 (Limited time only, ARGG we payed $5.99!!!)
- Prairie Chute is another one of those "parachute" like games now listed under "What's Hot". With a really nice menu & creative characters, the game is very appealing. Unfortunately, the gameplay isn't "superb". The levels are distinct (meaning: not random) but they are more generated versus custom created. Therefore, it kinda gets boring fast. Some updates have been confirmed to be on the way, so there is still hope for the app. With that being said, I'm sure there are others out there for which this game is right up their alley! So either Take A BET for $.99 OR DON'T.
- Flight of the Hamsters is a direct CartoonNetwork.com flash game import. Although it has been slightly "dumbed down" to work on the iPhone & iTouch, it is still basically just as fun with all of the same regular features still included. The game basically is similar to "Kitten Cannon" and equally as good. The only real thing missing is an online scoreboard. We say GET for $.99
- FerrariGT has finally been lowered to a price of ONLY $.99 (previously like $4.99 or something) and having loved the Lite version of this game, we just had to get it! The game is pretty to explain, you RACE! Like in Need for Speed: Underground etc., it has the same concept with good graphics and controls too. And there are quite a few modes available too! An update that will make online multiplayer possible is supposedly in development for the app, so grab it beforehand so that the price won't go up! GET
- Guinness World Records has gone on sale for an astonishing $.99. I've had my eye on this game for quite awhile and was super excited to hear that it had been lowered to a really reasonably cheap price! The game lets you customize a 3D Avatar/Character and explore the globe for new challenges. Although not all of the mini-game/challenges are all-that-special, there is SO MUCH content, unlockable bonuses, quick facts, premium clothes for your avatar, etc. to unlock and replay to achieve. Once signed up on a specific site server, you can also view online high scores and records. GET
That's all for now! Thanks again for supporting our blog and make sure to stay tuned for more Apploads™ only on your one source for the low-down on the latest and best in iPhone/iTouch applications...Tap Dat App!™
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