Author: TapDatApp // Category:
The app we are reviewing now is “Ow My Balls!” - Check It Out:
Ow My Balls! was developed by Jetson Creative LLC for the iPhone and iTouch. Ow My Balls is…a very interesting game. The objective is to swipe/kick a man off a building and make him cause as much destruction and pain to himself as you can. Fans of the Mike Judge movie “Idiocracy” will probably think of this whole concept as familiar, for the game was actually inspired by the fake television show “Oww My Balls!” shown in the film Idiocracy. While the game is amusing, the graphics are a bit amateur and the lasting appeal is a pretty short timespan. While all this may be true, the game is still entertaining and good for a few laughs. If you’re looking for some every-now-and-then $.99 fun or if you’re a real fan of Idiocracy, I recommend you buy Ow My Balls! – 3 ½ Stars ☆☆☆.5
To get Ow My Balls! from the iTunes app store, simply click HERE!
(or read our recent above post to find out how to get a copy of this game for FREE!!!)
Haha, this one sounds kinda funny. I really need some more apps, so I may get this one too.