The Moron Test - 4 Stars
Author: TapDatApp // Category:

Now up for the latest review is "The Moron Test" - Check It Out:
The Moron Test was developed by DistinctDev for the iPhone & iTouch. Okay, so first off let me mention that I held out on this one for a long time. For quite awhile now, it has been in the Top 25 Most Paid Apps or so, but it never really seemed worth it until the latest update. But I can now sincerely say, I am happy I bought this game. The questions are tricky, clever, and well-thought out. It's a lot of fun to figure out and is nicely accommodated by charming graphics and catchy music. It's a real BLAST to hand this thing around at family parties and see people get stumped when they don't think all of their moves through thoroughly. This being said, I still hope that we will continue to see more updates as to make this game more fun for people who have already completed it and have spent enough time trying to be their own high score... For some cheap fun, I do suggest you buy (but strictly if it's on sale for $.99) The Moron Test - 4 Stars ☆☆☆☆
Pick up The Moron Test from the iTunes's App Section by clicking HERE!
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