Pocket God - 5 Stars

Author: TapDatApp // Category:

The next app we are reviewing is “Pocket God” - Check It Out:

Pocket God was developed by Bolt Creative for the iPhone and iTouch. Pocket God is an insanely fun & addictive game that you will never be able to get enough of! In this game, you have six islanders or “pygmies” that you can name and slightly customize. They live on their island (currently 2 different islands are available) and there you can completely mess around with them in a battle of the fittest! There are several ways to interact with them through courses of weather, time of day, fishing, dinosaurs, ants, meteors, volcanic lava, etc. The game’s controls use almost every option out there for the iPhone and iTouch. There’s tilt for gravity, touch for interaction, swiping for push/throw, and much more. In someway, the game slightly resembles The Sims, for you can really just have a ball with these little pygmy dudes and try different things each time you play. BEST OF ALL: Pocket God is pretty much the only game I’ve ever heard of that guarantees new “episodes”. Episodes are new updates that the developers of Pocket God continue to put-out. There’s already been 19 of them and with each episode that comes out, the title for the next one is revealed. Each episode just adds more and more features to the game and the latest episode available at all times consists of all the previous episodes’ updates as well. For some awesome long-lasting and constantly updating fun that currently only costs $.99 - You Gotta Get Pocket God! - 5 Stars ☆☆☆☆

To buy Pocket God at the iTunes App Store, click HERE.

1 Response to "Pocket God - 5 Stars"

Sarah Says :
June 30, 2009 at 12:05 PM


My favorite feature is probably... the Dinosaur feature. The new episodes don't usually come out weekly though :( Pygmies ROCK!



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