*BREAKING NEWS!* - Rolando 1-3 & Pocket God Info. - *RECENTLY UPDATED!!*
Author: TapDatApp // Category:
This just in! The developers of Rolando & Rolando 2: Quest for the Golden Orchid, ngmoco Inc., have announced that they will NOT be taking down the original Rolando game upon release of the sequel due to high demand by fans. Thus, we here at Tap Dat App™ personally apologize for the false notice. Please understand that we did originally report correctly, but ngmoco has just now changed their minds and retracted their previous statement. In other news, "Rolando 2: Quest for the Golden Orchid" is suspected to be released this Wednesday, July 1st! The Tap Dat App™ Team has officially decided to use some of our funds to purchase this game so that we may play around with it and then post a review here! We will start testing this game as soon as it is available and try to post the review as quick as possible while still making sure that we have played the game to a large enough extent that we may correctly critique it. ADDITIONALLY, we have submitted a request to ngmoco for one voucher code for their upcoming game, Rolando 2, so that we may throw some sort of contest and use this code as a prize. If they reply to us and send us a code, we will reveal more details about this "contest-sorta-thing" asap. And to clarify, the winner of it would be able to use this voucher code on iTunes in the "Redeem" section to download their own copy of "Rolando 2: Quest for the Golden Orchid" 100% free but still in all of its entirety. We'd also like to mention that ngmoco has announced that they will also be releasing a "Rolando 3" sometime this Novemeber. Oh and one last thing before we go, Bolt Creative, the developers of "Pocket God", have announced that the new "Episode/Update" for their game has already been submitted to Apple and is now just waiting for approval. As soon as the update is released, we will update our previous review of the game to fit the currently available version of the app. So Stay Tuned!
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